Thanks Joanie!!

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Thanks so much for your words of support. I really helps to keep me going. Now if only we could get the word out further.

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So sorry for your losses and thanks for your thoughtful comment. I sure do hope that getting the word out will help build something positive.

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I lost money when Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, and then I lost my home and a good portion of my retirement. We have never nor will we ever recover those losses. This country, it’s people, it’s politicians, it’s judges, it’s bankers, and its corporations are choosing profits over people often in the name of Christian Nationalism (white supremacy). Over the past 40 years I have watched this country become crueler and less willing to cooperate and help each other. Many other industrialized countries don’t have to worry about gun violence, healthcare is seen as a human right, immoral CEO salaries and caring more about shareholders than workers or customers is seen as unthinkable, a well rounded education is seen as necessary for all, prisons actually provide reforms, past atrocities are admitted to and amends made. Our great claim is that we have a strong military. So does that make us the worlds bully? Republicans have done everything they can to move us toward a fascist government, and Democrats have done way too little to stop it. At 72, I don’t know if I will get to see the robber barons of this second Gilded Age brought down let alone to justice, but I hope so. These fascists are using evangelical religions as a divisive and fear mongering tool. It is one of the greatest threats to democracy. I also hope people see through this con as a strategy to control them. It is just another cult

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Amen!! Linda, thank you for your articulate summary.

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This is truly an outstanding piece of analysis by Les Leopold that should be read by anyone interested in what is really happening in our economy. The vast housing market has long been targeted as a cash cow by the rentier class, but, as the chart presented in this article shows, the abuses began to escalate with the "Reagan Revolution" in 1980 and have gotten much, much worse over time. Les Leopold defines the rentier class as "Wall Street," which is accurate, but it goes much deeper into the entire usury-based financial system of the Empire. That is why we must embrace the battle-cry, "End the Fed."

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I agree Richard.

The terrible pain that takes over in my soul is that so many of us know this and we feel totally without support to kill the cancer! Help, help!!

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Also, you can write us directly at monetaryreform@gmail.com

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Many of us feel this way. This is why we have founded the American Geopolitical Institute.

Take a look:


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Les tells it like it is, and I always learn something new. thanks. the corporate ownership of houses is growing like weeds.

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