More like a $35/hour minimum wage. Back in 2012, CEPR calculated that minimum wage, in order to have kept up w/ gains which had been made in productivity since Min. Wage began, would have had to be over $21/hour, in 2012 dollars.

That being said, IMHO there's no need for all that money to come out of the employer's pocket; in Switzerland, e.g., employers pay their workers whatever they want, but then the workers get the balance straight from the state, in order to bring workers' pay up to the mandated minimum.

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The Democrats changed their spots starting in the late 60s with their party leadership advocacy of the Vietnam War. There was also the Penn Central bankruptcy that showed a lax regulatory environment. Carter's Trilateral Commission leanings and his deregulation of the airlines, trucking, banking, etc. sectors began the Dems tilting to the supply side. Clinton arrived and he turned Reagan's deregulation on steroids into a conflagration with the repeal of Glass- Steagall, passing NAFTA, WTO, "reforming" welfare, increasing sentencing of crimes, etc. Clinton sold the working class out for the Wall Street, liberal limousine crowd of the professional class. Obama ditto but also tilted towards the MIC with the endless wars. Biden only added to the Democrats siding with the professional class, banksters, the real estate and insurance sectors, MIC, at the expense of the working class.

The wealth gap has increased under every Democratic president starting with Clinton. The working class has lost ground since Carter.

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Thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy. I would further add that they did absolutely nothing to hold Trump accountable for the frauds, national security threats he poses, election interference that never got fully investigated, the genocide they willingly funded. And here we about to witness full blown fascism (which has been brewing around the world.)

I think it’s time we got out of the two party system perspective, and saw the system for what it is: that has always been designed to serve the oligarchs. The working class are better off figuring out a way to build a political party that actually works from the ground up.

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So arrogant insiders like Carville and Emmanuel are talking populist, eh? We'll know they mean it when MSM like the NYT, CNN, and NPR start covering populism as something other than the silly views of working class nobodies easy to dismiss as somehow right wing.

These come lately converts aren't stupid; they've analyzed the votes. I've already commented many times on the Dem betrayal and you've covered most of story above. These Ds saw no need to acknowledge the decimation of the majority working class. The strategists thought they could get away with their neolib support for trickle up and their corporate sponsorship as long as they could squeak by via appealing to upper middle class professionals and desperate minorities. The voters (and millions of disgusted non-voters) have emphatically said NO!!! The harsh reality of econopathy and costly endless wars leaving nothing for domestic problems (as well as maiming their kids--for what?!) is why.

Let's see if in addition to talking like Bernie, they act as populists. Let's see if they do the work of forming political alliances. If they speak to us workers as allies rather than as lowly subjects. If they ask for advice from people like Jim Hightower, a populist from the farmer side of the old Populist farmer-labor coalition. If they start discussing publicly why union membership is important. Not just wages, either. Union workers are under U.S. contract law. Non-union workers come under a provision inherited from English Common Law shocking to most when they hear about it. It's called a Master-Servant relationship!!! What does that imply about how elites think of us?!

Today (Wed. 1/8) Chris Hedges did a live YouTube event where he answered questions submitted by subscribers. At ~ 19:30 min. he handles a Q about how to speak with Trump believers. He says reasoning won't work because the main issue is emotional. He says it's especially about despair, common when empires are breaking down. People ignored in their devastation--he cited "30 million mass layoffs since 1996." Another Q ~ 32:50 was how to use the deep divisions of the right to our advantage. He specifically said the emphasis should be on doing everything possible to organize the working class.

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