Sep 26Liked by Les Leopold

Good advice Les,

But Harris is not the populist that Trump is - his approach is eating the lunch that the Democrats should have prepared. Not as obvious as Hillary, but still of that Democrat ilk.


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I also agree on the "Too old to live through another Trump Circus"

How to protest? Use the Electoral College as your guide. If you are in a solid Blue or solid Red state, then you can abstain or vote your conscience - don't vote for genocide or Wall Street unless you are in a swing state - then hold your nose and vote for the lesser of the two evils. Other wise vote down ballot, but vote!

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I think the key is to build a new political movement that challenges mass layoffs after the election. That would be how I would protest. Now if only I could get a few unions to build that kind of movement.

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She is a wall street, tech shill. I am sure she will take Reed Hoffman’s advice and fire or neuter Lena Khan. The role of the president is to be the spokesperson and image of the US empire. I read your plea to focus on Harris to stand up for working people. I am voting for the Green Party in Georgia..just like in 2000, I voted for Ralph Nader in Minneapolis.

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I hear you but I'm too old to live through another Trump circus.

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