You're either for Biden / Kamala/ Wals ? What ever his name is. The burning tires smell freak) and massive dumping of unvetted foreign cultures on American city's in unsustainable numbers , to the detriment of native born, or those that became citizens by following the lawful process, or your for Trump/ Vance ticket for President.

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John, Thanks for taking the time to comment, but I can't buy your argument. Our "native" culture is an amalgam of countless cultures ranging from African slaves to Alaskan Native Americans, to immigrants from hundreds of countries from around the world. Those who want to divide us by birth or by blood do a great disservice to the very best that all of us bring to this country. When Vance lies about Haitians (and admits to that lie and still does it), he is creating real harm and does not deserve to get near the White House. We can have respectful arguments about how many immigrants should enter the country at any one time. But not the Trump/Vance kind of shameless attacks. BTW I'm first generation and I hope you wouldn't say that I am polluting native-born culture.

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